Yeezy Boost
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The first boot ever given from the series, the Yeezy 950 boot made its debut in 2015, the same year as the Yeezy 350. It was unveiled as a component of the Yeezy Season 1 runway presentation that took place during New York Fashion Week. The Yeezy Boots collection has significantly expanded since then. The Yeezy Desert Boot, which was introduced in 2019, has quickly risen to the top of the Yeezy boot lineup.
With its thick mesh, suede, and leather upper, the Desert Boot, which is available in a wide variety of neutral colours, is modeled after hiking boots from the 1990s. The more mysterious Yeezy NSLTD Boot, with its down-lined upper and concealed velcro clasp, is inspired by puffer jackets.
A coarse mesh material forms the upper’s base. In addition to the overlays above, the lacing eyelets and toe cap are made of suede. There is only one colour on the upper. Both the upper and the sole are beige in color. With the extra thick and sturdy sole, you can also wear the boots during a heavier walk.
One of Kanye West’s most underrated collections is his Yeezy Boot. Founded in 2015, each and every model is heavily inspired by military boots, with an emphasis on quality materials and a utilitarian style.
There are two brands of Yeezy Boots. The early versions were released under Ye’s YEEZY imprint, while the newer models are manufactured by Adidas. Retail prices are also drastically lower, so more sneakerheads can get into the boot game without breaking the bank.
In addition to 2015’s 950, the Desert Boot, later renamed DSRT BT, features a suede and mesh upper and distinctive bulbous design inspired by the Yeezy 500.
This is the place to get your hands on the Yeezy Boot.