Air Jordan 2
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Designing the Air Jordan 2, Bruce Kilgore removed the Swoosh from the side profiles and took inspiration from luxury high-end dress shoes to create a brand new look and feel. After a successful debut sneaker, the Air Jordan 2 took many risks. Featuring faux-lizard skin panels and the Wings logo prominently displayed on the tongue, the hoops shoe was crafted in Italy with a premium feel. Over the years, the Air Jordan 2 has been reimagined through high-profile releases such as the Air Jordan 2 ‘Chicago’ 2022 and Air Jordan 2 ‘Lucky Green.’.
Michael Jordan partnered with Nike at an early age and began releasing new sneaker designs every season. Air Jordans are made with premium materials, have chic styles, and can be worn for a variety of occasions by both men and women.
Air Jordan 2 was released in 1986 in red and white colors. Bruce Kilgore and Peter Moore designed the design. In comparison to Air Jordan 1, Nike wanted to create a line of luxury and high-quality sneakers. The logo also differed. Nike’s “Swoosh” was replaced with Jordan Wings on the tongue of Air Jordan 2.
In spite of the first generation’s success, AJ 2’s success was difficult to achieve. The design and colors of the Air Jordan 2 were not as diverse as those of the Air Jordan 1. As a result of Jordan’s foot injury in 1985-86, his shoe sales decreased, which allowed his rivals to imitate similar color patterns and designs.
The designers reworked the shoe prototype once the NBA All-Star returned to the game to make it more durable, comfortable, and stylish. After being released again, the Chicago Bulls cheerleaders wore the Air Jordan 2 sneaker prototype, and Michael Jordan wore the final version.
In addition to being made of leather and faux lizard skin, the Air Jordan 2 had a speed lacing system, extended polyurethane heel counter, and cushioning. Only 30 stores carried the AJ 2 sneaker during the first two months after release. In addition to being perfect for exercising, the model is also durable.
Nike and the NBA player took a big risk with the Air Jordan 2 because of the changes they had to make. In the end, the final version was a huge success and gained a lot of popularity.