Air Jordan 3
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There were many firsts with the Air Jordan 3 – the first Air Jordan to feature visible Nike Air, the first to feature premium elephant print, the first to use the new Jumpman logo, and the first designed by Tinker Hatfield, the legendary Nike icon.
With the AJ3, MJ won both the Slam Dunk Contest and the All-Star Game MVP, as well as a stellar season where he was named MVP and Defensive Player of the Year. As classics such as the ‘Cement’ and ‘True Blue’ continue to emerge, retros like the ‘White Cement Reimagined,’ ‘Desert Elephant,’ and OG ‘Fire Red’ follow.
It was the third installment of Michael Jordan’s signature sneaker and the first to be designed by Tinker Hatfield.
The third Jordan sneakers were the first to feature visible Air signs, the Jumpman logo, and an elephant print. Most people recognize them as the “Mike and Mars” campaign shoes. At the end of the 87-88 NBA season, Jordan won his first MVP award wearing these sneakers. At the 1989 Slam Dunk contest, they were also on MJ’s feet when he executed his famous three-pointer dunk.
The Air Jordan 3 was initially available in four color schemes – “Black Cement,” “White Cement,” “Fire Red,” and “True Blue.” Despite many other color schemes available, the originals remain the most popular.
Air Jordan 3 has been available in a variety of colors since its introduction. Furthermore, Nike collaborates with some of the world’s most renowned brands and personalities, including Vogue and Justin Timberlake. Every year, Nike releases new variants of the Air Jordan 3. In 2020, Nike will introduce the “Varsity Royal” and “Laser Orange,” as well as a re-edition of the original “Fire Red.”
Any self-respecting sneaker collector must own an Air Jordan 3. In the Nike Air Jordan range, it is one of the most iconic shoes. Its design, functionality, and backstory make it a phenomenal sneaker!